I'm not quite sure what to think of the graphics. Parts of the graphics were wonderful. For example, I liked how you animated Blockhead. When he moved around, it showed a lot of animating skill. I liked some of the drawings as well. I liked the drawings of Blockhead's conscience, which also shows your skill. However, most other parts I found to be a little strange. The backgrounds almost looked like sprites since they were kind of blurry and pixilated. I also didn't like how you didn't really manipulate the backgrounds too much, like when Blockhead picked up the phone, it didn't leave the receiver.
Well, you've created a very sucessful character with this first episode, so obviously you've got some style. The storyline was unique and opened up an oppurtunity for humor and you took every opportunity and made this a wonderful series. You deserve all the recognition you have recieved for this.
This is definitely my favorite aspect of this movie. I loved the voice overs. They were very clear and very defined. You portrayed Blockhead's conscience in a perfect voice that made him seem like an erie old man. I loved both his voice and Blockheads, which were completely different even though they are the same person in essence. The sound effects were also very clear and on cue.
Well, the only part that would put pain into someone was when Blockhead was smashing his head into the couch. Not sure why he was doing this, but it was enough for me to give this a seven for violence.
You've got a unique preloader, which is about all that is interactive in this movie, so I can only give you a five in this department.
Like I said above, you took every possible opportunity for humor, and turned it into more humor than is possible. The voice overs really help with this in that they really define Conscience's short temper and annoyance. The randomness in this, like Blockhead eating his hand and trying to dial the phone company just made me laugh a whole lot.
This is a brilliant start to a series that I will definitely watch. This Blockhead dude, though we don't know much about him other than he is incredibly stupid, seems to be a memorable character that I will grow to like more and more. Keep up the good work!